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The New York Times: Heart Problem More Common After Covid-19 Than After Vaccination

The New York Times: The Pfizer vaccine’s initial success holds up in wider use

The New York Times: A Cure for an Assortment of Ills

The New York Times: Charting the Candidates

The Wall Street Journal: Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine Is Equally Effective for Young and Old 

ABC News: Doctors May Be Able to Predict Domestic Abuse

ABC News: Travel time to abortion facilities has quadrupled post-Roe

NBC News: Artificial intelligence program diagnoses abuse

NBC News:  Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine works well in big 'real world' test

NBC News: When the Red Sox are hot, ERs cool down

NBC News: Travel time for abortions tripled and requests for pills soared

CBS News: 1 in 3 women of reproductive age now live over an hour away from an abortion clinic

CNN: Vaccines work in the real world, new data shows

CNN: Covid vaccine much safer than catching the virus

CNN: A cocoon of vaccination provides ‘substantial’ protection for unvaccinated kids

CNN: The case for Covid boosters just got stronger

CNN: Travel time to abortion facilities grew significantly after Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade

Time: COVID-19 Vaccines Work. Here’s the Real-World Proof

BBC: Will complacency damage Covid booster rollout? 

The White House: Become a Flu Fighter

The Atlantic: Interesting little tool to use during tonight's speech


The Atlantic: Presidents and the 7 deadly sins

U.S. News & World Report: Predicting Bad Drug Reactions Before They Happen

U.S News & World Report: The History of the Word "Recession" in the State of the Union Address

The Telegraph: Pfizer vaccine's second dose boosts protection dramatically

Forbes: Vaccinated Teens 90% Less Likely To Contract Delta Variant In First Few Weeks After Second Dose

Bloomberg: Pfizer - BioNTech Shot Could Help End Pandemic

Bloomberg: Pfizer Jab Effective Against Delta Variant in Teens

Reuters: Electronic medical records could spot abuse: study

Reuters: In boost for COVID-19 battle, Pfizer vaccine found 94% effective in real world

Reuters: Heart attack patients with COVID-19 have lower survival rate;

Reuters: Pfizer vaccine very effective against Delta variant in adolescents in Israel

Reuters: Heart inflammation risk boosted slightly by vaccine, more by COVID-19

NPR: The Speech in Graphics 

The New Republic: The Origins Of Inaugural Speech Kitsch

The New Republic: Will Obama Talk Turkey This Evening? 

The New Republic: 2,126 'Buts,' and 55 'Reagans'


LA Times: Pfizer’s vaccine trial data holds up in the real world

Wired: Data-Mining Medical Records Could Predict Domestic Violence

The Huffington Post: Bush, Iraq, Energy, Osama: McCain/Obama Speech War

The Huffington Post: Obama's and McCain's Green Promises Are Just a Matter of Speech

Le Monde: Obama et la note de "43"

Die Welt: Die kuriosen Meldungen zum US-Wahlkampf

CTV: Pfizer COVID-19 booster shot reduces severity of disease

Times of India: Covid booster dose effective in reducing severe disease outcomes

Sydney Morning Herald: Booster shots made available for all NSW adults

New Scientist: Computer Detects Abuse Before Doctors

Discover Magazine: To Detect Domestic Abuse Earlier, Call in a Robo-Doc 


Yahoo News: Dr. Fauci Just Urged Vaccinated People Not to Do This


Yahoo News: New large study provides 'clear evidence' for Pfizer vaccine safety

Haaretz: This Harvard Scientist Is Developing a Tool That Predicts Suicide Years Before It Happens

The Jerusalem Post: COVID more likely to cause serious side effects than vaccine 

Commentary: The “V” Word

Commentary: Speechwars

Freakonomics: Quantifying the President's Speech

Freakonomics: The Empiricist in Chief

New Atlas: Model predicts suicide attempts two years ahead using health records Computer models predict suicide risk through health records 



Trailblazers with Walter Isaacson

Bloomberg Prognosis Podcast

Science Vs. Podcast

US Among the Israelis Podcast


Today Show, Australian National News: Covid-19 Vaccination

Bloomberg TV News, Coronavirus Vaccination

ZDF National TV News, Germany, Coronavirus vaccination

i24 News: Unvaccinated Coronavirus Patients Face More Risks

KTLA 5: Harvard Medical School researcher Dr. Ben Reis breaks down COVID studies on delta variant

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